Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thing 10: Final Learning Activity

I found this professional development to be helpful in someways, but also not as I expected, but mostly because I found that I had less time this year for my own professional development due to projects at work.  In the past I have had more time to devote to my own learning and this year my role as the library media specialist has grown with the implementation of Google Apps for Education in our district.  I was hoping to complete all 10 activities, and found I really struggled to complete only five.   This type of learning is second nature to me.  This is the way that I do most of my individual learning, whether it is to find out more about a new tool a teacher would like to use in the classroom or for any type of personal information I want to acquire.  That is why I thought this would be a good way to look at new tools and learn new things.  Unfortunately for me, time was not on my side.  

I did find the tools I chose to be worth looking into.  The photo activity taught me more about copyright, which I believe is important and students should be responsible for at the very least the basics.  I find teachers don't know much about it either and it is my job to help educate them.  I also want to incorporate more photography and photo use into my classes.  The personal learning activity has helped me to expand my network, although the challenge for me will be to organize all the messages and information I receive so it is manageable.   The last tool is one I will continue to research as I can see it becoming something my teachers will be clamoring to use.

I will definitely continue to use this type of learning as I am familiar and comfortable with the style.  My challenge will be to make time for this as opposed to just searching the calendar to find time.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for participating and completing 5 topics. 10 can be a tall order during a busy year, so congratulate yourself on doing the 5! And we'll be running it again next year. Yay.
